Effective Agile Stationery
BeautifulAgile was born out of a combined love of stationery, Agile, lean start-up, helping people and solving problems. BeautifulAgile offers simply clever, highly pragmatic, well-thought out, systemised tools, tips, resources and consulting services.

Visualise, Measure & Improve
Years of Agile-wisdom baked into every card.

Learn and Grow
Lean start-up and Agile consulting Expertise to help at every step of your journey.

Deliver More Effectively
Clever Toolkits, Resources and Tips for you to stay organised, replenished and clear on the main game.
What’s different about our Agile wisdom cards?
With BeautifulAgile Agile-Wisdom cards, the Thinking AND the Doing have been done for you. Years of experimenting with physical cards has resulted in hours and hours of time being saved for you. It generally takes between 3 and 5 minutes to complete a system card fully. Because of all of the Agile-wisdom in the BeautifulAgile cards, you can divert all of that saved time onto higher order items (you still need to write the epics, stories, tasks & the details to enable metrics-driven performance) but we’ve done the rest. Yay Us!!You’ll also see Agile-wisdom in the way you can use the cards. We hope you’ll love this feature as much as we do!
The power of Visualising your work
Visualising work, using the BeautifulAgile Agile-wisdom cards, on shared walls (whiteboards, windows, blackboards) creates transparency. The team, and stakeholders, can observe the flow and patterns of work and provide feedback on progressing to outcomes.
Visualisation benefits include:
- Focus for teams
- eliminating wasteacting as information
- radiators
- supporting metrics-driven performance

Read more about BeautifulAgile
Find out more about BeautifulAgile here